Andervaan Wiki

This page is an encyclopedia of player characters found in Andervaan. Feel free to list your character and a link to their profile or businesses and browse the list. Maybe you're looking for a particular kind of character to help flesh out a game, or just double checking to see what names are in use. Either way, connections are at the heart of RP!

Please provide the following: Character Name, Location, and a brief (no more than a few sentences) description. Again, you can feel free to link a secondary wiki page to further elaborate.

A - M[]

Alexei Kovalsky - Manager of the Fusion Modelling Agency, with a very dirty past.

Dietrich Ekkhard - Student and highly decorated Chancellor Youth Scout

Evelyn Hammond - Subminister of the Department of the Occult, a subsect of the Department of War.

Halan Cain - Television host and gossip columnist. 

Lucine AshfordA ballet dancer in the prestigious Zarokoye Ballet Company, and model.

N - Z[]

Natalya DeKeyser - Fabulously wealthy and beautiful heiress, and effective princess of the powerful DeKeyser crime family.
